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Some indian home remedies for high blood pressure that really works

Indian Home Remedy Treatments For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a silent problem, because half of sufferers do not know that they even have it. If you haven’t got a clue what your blood pressure is, then it would be a very wise idea to get your doctor to check it out. If you have already been diagnosed with having high blood pressure or hypertension. Then you should of already been told how to best deal with this very serious health issue. Remember when you are suffering from health problems, it is always best to follow the advice the professionals give you and not an home remedy treatment for high blood pressure that you find on the Internet.

Best Home Remedy Treatments For High Blood Pressure

The best way to treat hypertension is to change your lifestyle. The foods you eat can play a major role on what your blood pressure reads. You need to start eating foods which are low in cholesterol and low in saturated fats. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg, low fat dairy foods and whole grains will also help.  Your diet plan should be around 50% carbs, 30% protein and around 20% healthy fats, such as nuts and flaxseed.

Another thing that you must do to reduce your blood pressure, is reduce the amount of salt that you eat each day. Salt causes the body to retain water, which results in hypertension. So if you are adding tablespoons of salt to your food at every meal, then you blood pressure is never going to go down. Try to keep your daily salt intake as low as possible.

Lots of Food these days contains high amounts of salt which is hidden. Foods such as processed ready meals, packaged meat products and tins of soup all contain high amounts of salt. So before you buy any foods, always check the salt content on the packaging. Bread also contains lots of salt and lots of people can go through a loaf of bread each day. There are low salt bread loafs out there,so again read the nutritional value labels very carefully before buying those bread loafs.

High Blood Pressure Home Remedy Treatments – Change your diet

You have heard the famous saying you are what you eat, but truer words have never been spoken. It is very important that you look into your diet plan and change it. You must eat around 5 pieces of fresh fruit and veg every day. Fruit and veg is high in magnesium, potassium and fiber. All which will help to keep your arteries fit and healthy.

You will also need to look at what you eat at breakfast. Lots of people suffering with high blood pressure, will usually start the day with an high fat and high calorie fry up of bacon, fried eggs, sausages and more. This is not an healthy way to start your day. One healthier breakfast choice is porridge, porridge is  full of fiber and really helps in lowering a persons cholesterol levels. Start your day with a bowl of porridge and you will quickly be on your way to a lower blood pressure reading. To make porridge taste better, try adding fruit such as bananas, sliced apples or raisins.

Another thing that you will need to do is to cut back or totally eliminate alcohol. It is a well known fact that heavy drinkers tend to have a much higher blood pressure reading than a person who doesn’t touch alcohol. If you must have a drink, you really do need to cut it down and never drink above the recommended daily allowance which is recommended by medical professions.

Weight Loss is an excellent home remedy treatment for high blood pressure

Weight loss is probably the best treatment for hypertension. If you are overweight you are forcing your heart to pump harder. This is why as a person gains weight their blood pressure also rises as well. Smokers also tend to suffer with hypertension, this is because the nasty tobacco smoke hardens the arteries and the nicotine cause the blood vessels to constrict.

Another thing that will lower your blood pressure is exercise. If you find it boring or you haven’t got the time, you need to make time and do a form of exercise that you enjoy. Even if you only do three 30 minute brisk walks every week, you will be on your way to an healthier you. Why not get yourself a dog, dogs love to go for walks. So just by walking your dog every night, will keep you out of the pub and get you that exercise which you are missing.

It is also wise to check your blood pressure on a regular basis to make sure that you are tackling the problem. High blood pressure is a killer so you need to get it under control as quickly as you can. You can now buy home test kits, that will test your blood pressure. These kits have really come down in price in recent years and are quite accurate for such a small price. But remember to have regular check ups at your doctors office on a regular basis to be on the safe side.

Another excellent natural home remedy for high blood pressure is garlic. Garlic is brilliant for defending against thrombosis, high blood cholesterol and hardening of the arteries. If you don’t like eating garlic, you can take it in pill form. Making sure you never go over the recommended dosage though, which is stated on the packaging. Watermelon is also said in helping to reduce hypertension, plus it tastes delicious as well. Another good way to use watermelon to treat hypertension is to add watermelon seeds together with khas khas and take 1 teaspoonful every day on an empty stomach.

Another popular home remedy for high blood pressure is to walk barefoot on grass every day for around 15 to 20 minutes. This is said to improve blood circulation, which results in lowering blood pressure. It will also give you that much needed exercise you need each day to help you lose weight, stay trim and get fit.
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